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Another entry where I ignore discussing the war...
06 April, 2003 :: 5:41 p.m.

People of a certain disposition should not watch certain types of movies...I should not have watched The Ring all by myself. It was good...but it had a creepy kid in it...creepy kids give me the heebie jeebies...

So I'm still not sure who was viewing this thing...Teri claims that it wasn't her, but I can't necessarily believe what she tells me. The only two other possibilities I can think of would have been Andy or Lacey's mom...both of which are weird possibilities. Anyway, I plan to unlock this soon and whatever will be will be.

I fell right back into being the shoulder for Teri to cry on the other day when I finally talked to her. It turns out that her new-old boyfriend has Chrone's disease and at the time I talked to her he was in the hospital waiting to find out if he was going to need surgery. Apparently he didn't, because he's out now...but in the meantime I was the one for Teri to talk to and tell how scared she was that he would die and all that. I don't mind being like that to a point...because I genuinely do still care about her and about Hannah and until Teri finds whatever she is looking for, Hannah is going to suffer getting bounced around. But then there's part of me that is still bitter about how everything ended and is like, "Why can't you just tell her to fuck off? She's not your problem anymore." No, she isn't my problem anymore and we were way wrong for each other as a couple...but I still like her as a person...I'm doing it again...I didn't think that I'd ever be on talking terms with Emily again, but we are...I never wanted anything to do with Teri again, now I'm back to telling her to feel free to IM me or email me if she needs to talk to someone...

Meanwhile, things continue to be great between Lacey and me. Teri of course thinks Lacey and I should move in together since Lacey is looking for an apartment. I pointed out to her that a)It's my first time living alone and so far, so good...b)Lacey's never lived by herself and wants to try it...c)the last few times didn't work well for me...and d)if things continue to go well for Lacey and me, there will be plenty of time in the future to live together. I just don't get that mindset...It wasn't only me that went through this; Teri was there too...does she not remember that it isn't good to move too fast too soon? I get the feeling that Lacey and I would do fine living together as long as we had a place where we each had space...but I feel no rush to be at that stage...things are going well, why fuck it up?

In other news--Charlie said not to get Lacey's old beater now the search is on...

To help said search, my real refund from the school finally arrived...nice surprise after the scare earlier. So I can set some aside for travelling after school is done, get some sort of car that will hopefully run well for a while...and have a little to enjoy. Life just wanted to try to shake me up a little... Bleh...the last few weeks it's been really hard to update this thing...I need to find my voice again...I feel like I lost it somwhere...I've been waiting for it to come back and forcing entries in the meantime...Bleh...

But overall, life is good...oh, and Erin, I am making slow progress on your cd's...I haven't totally forgotten them...I mean the mixes...burning the other stuff was easy once I got around to it...And my away message misses got him all sorts of worked up the other night...

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