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Farewell 2004, most of you sucked, but I'm sure in a few years I'll look back and remember you fondly
02 January, 2005 :: 2:55 p.m.

I don't know how the fuck I haven't made an entry yet this year...

I'm trying desperately to get rid of old crap...I pared down my memory box quite a lot yesterday (not realizing until I was calling Pat to talk that it was the new year and so apparently somewhere in the depths of my mind I'd decided to toss some of the past)...made me realize what a douche I've been. Alex wrote me so much when he was in college and, back then, I would occasionally send him a letter too; now I get a yearly Christmas card (not hallmark shit...he makes them) and the last several years I've told myself, "I'm going to respond to this and reopen communication." This of course hasn't happened or I wouldn't be writing about it. So that's the one thing I am holding myself to this year is actually responding and possibly getting back in touch with him. Considering that I've actually got nothing but good associations with visiting Pittsburgh, it's amazing I haven't stayed in better touch with him just for the selfish reason of having a place to crash and an excuse to get down there.

I've tried to figure out a way to stanch time, but to no avail (perhaps because it's not liquid?...I dunno)...thus another year passes, I am now 29 and more immediately my break is slipping away without feeling like much of a break.

I wish to fuck I could have been born about 7 or 8 years after I was...not just because I'd be younger than I am now, but because literally this whole internet thing and having the world at your fingertips didn't really get big and accessible until I was out of high school. I just wonder how it would have changed development. I'd be basically the same, but I could've been better informed about things earlier...I would've found out about a lot of shit that went on for years before I found out about it...fuck the regrets and the wondering though, I guess...

I'm done for now...

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