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So glad I'm paying for this...
09 June, 2005 :: 3:42 a.m.

Numb hands, shooting pains through my arms, numb legs from the knee down, more shooting pains, now an arm that twitches and acts like it has OCD and won't do what I want it to do sometimes...this is what I've been dealing with for a week now. I've seen my doctor and an emergency room doctor (Tuesday night when I realized I could stab my thumb with my box cutter and not feel it and then the whole hand went numb and the fingers got ice cold) and the conclusion both of them have reached? symptoms are weird. Yeah, that's apparently a medical diagnosis now...weird. Friggin awesome...

The good news is I do indeed get my bloodwork and CT scan on maybe someone will tell me something more than something weird is happening to my body...I already fucking know that because I hate going to see the doctor and I've been twice in a week so obviously something weird is happening.

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