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Can't get it back...
07 April, 2003 :: 4:46 p.m.

Free need to analyze...

Another day of the past degrading...Reliance on others for anything, even friendship, is foolishness...Everyone eventually lets you down, or you let them down...Two people once twin souls suddenly seem unrecognizable to one another...I knew your face as well as my those eyes, they register nothing familiar in them...All our hopes are for naught...Things, even really good, really comfortable things can't stay as they are--everything degrades, erodes into nothingness--a giant chasm...So we look elsewhere to fill the void--new people, new toys, new this way we can forget what we knew, forget that anything ever went wrong...stumble forward with the belief that it is all okay, always works out in the end...we never have down times, never despair the species...How do things go to shit so quickly right before your eyes?...One moment things are great, the next you find you're no longer speaking with someone you've known for years...ah, but look closer...the signs were there, you just chose to ignore did and said nothing; you resigned yourself to the inevitability of good things getting shitty...And so it's gone, no getting it back...I'm sorry for building you into something you weren't, sorry for not addressing the problems sooner--when there was still time...still a chance to maybe right wrongs...Goodbye

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